Will you sponsor a Friend-raising event in 2023?
We are excited to introduce a new opportunity to collaborate together!
The Friends of TDLC is a networking group that hosts meet ups and volunteer opportunities to strengthen the community around Thomas Dunn Learning Center.
Our Friends are neighbors, students, artists, professionals, educators, and small business owners who share our core values and a love for lifelong learning. These are the people who truly support the work of Thomas Dunn Learning Center and want to see us continue to grow.
Each month, we partner with a different business or community organization to host a meet up event with the Friends of TDLC. As a sponsor, your logo will be on all the marketing material for the month’s event. Additionally, your business will be listed on our webpage as a 2023 sponsor of the Friends of TDLC. You will become part of a network of St Louisians who care about education in our community.
We have three sponsorship levels to choose from:
- $1000 | Gold: Pays for the monthly event plus covers the cost of a full month of art classes at the center.
- $500 | Premium: Covers the entertainment budget for the monthly event.
- $250 | Basic: Covers the marketing budget for the monthly event.